Monday, February 2, 2015

Oh Baby!

I haven't blogged in a while. Mainly because we have been super busy, but also it's nice to take a little break from technology now and then.

Trying to be zero-waste while raising a child can be a challenge at times. This past week we had to prepare for a blizzard so of course that meant making sure we got all his cloth diapers clean in case we lost power. Luckily, we did not, and I enjoyed a wonderful, snowed-in birthday!

We recently moved Liam into his own room (formerly the art room). It was crazy to see how much stuff we had that we don't use. The amount of things that have come to be accepted as the normal for having a baby is just silly. Liam has grown out of a lot of his clothing before he even had a chance to wear it!

He is growing like a weed and I definitely cried a bit as I put away some of the clothes he out grew (unnecessary attachment to materials). It's funny how we attach material things to sentimental moments. Definitely something we as a family are working on.This is one of the many reasons we have allowed ourselves a year to really downsize. It can be quite overwhelming letting go of things that we have been so use to having around, but still very freeing.

The past few weeks we have been doing a lot of research on tiny homes to get ideas to eventually build a relatively tiny home for our family. It has also forced us to talk more realistically about the number of children we plan on having. Two may be our magic number.

I am so excited to continue sharing this journey! It has only been a month, and not everything has gone smoothly, but we have certainly learned a lot!

And now a photo with a cute (but not amused) baby...

Liam helping Mom blog. Please pay no attention to the blurred out lady in the background... 
We have yet to change out of pajamas.

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